Friday, February 17, 2012

Connecting the Dots to Past Pain

People don't give themselves much credit.
Does that describe you? They see dysfunction in their life and assume that they are just messed up. They are deficient by nature and will never get any better. There are haves and have nots in the world and they conclude that they  are one of the have nots.
This is shame.  We all have it to some degree.  But if you look deeper...if you connect the dots in your'll see that you aren't "just messed up".  There is a theme. There is cause and effect.  And once you see that then you don't feel like such a misfit.  It breeds hope.
The lie we believe is that if something is wrong inside...we are ALL wrong.  Not true.  Another lie is that if something is wrong that it can't be fixed. Not true either. Don't give up on yourself so easily.
You can break the pattern of your past. You can reverse the trend. It's cause and effect. First you have to believe it's possible. Then you need a plan. And finally,  you need to take action.
My point is...give yourself some credit. You have issues. Sure. We all do. But there is something you can do about them. You don't have to stay stuck. God is present right now to help you move to a better place.
Please Note: I've created a new blogsite at I will post on both sites until my new site is attracting as much traffic as this one is. Please visit and subscribe. Thanks. 

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